RDM Blog2018-10-19T20:39:27+00:00

Welcome to the RDM Blog

Thanks for taking a break from your run and being here!

I enjoy writing about my own personal running journey, bragging about my clients, sharing tips, writing race reports and sharing product reviews for active families. I have worked with close to 300 different brands and events to review and share their products and services.

Earlier blog posts, race reports and product reviews are available on my old blog (2009-2018)

2212, 2020

REVIEW – Using KIDS’N’PETS Stain and Odor Remover in our new Dream Home

We recently moved into our dream home. And it feels wonderful! There is plenty of space for the five of us, extra room in fact. A nice, spacious yard. The home has had many updates and upgrades. Many external updates have been made that we won't have to think about for decades to come. Phew! A remodeled kitchen, updated fixtures and lighting have all been incorporated throughout the home. Fresh paint has also been done on all three floors. The only downfall that we inherited was the dated and worn ivory carpet throughout the upper level and the main entry area on the primary living space. These are also high traffic areas, including our main stairwell. With three busy kids and an active, shedding

1612, 2020

Holiday Workout Playlists

I love updating my playlists frequently and providing new tunes for my personal runs and my clients' strength and cardio sessions in the Running Diva Mom Studio. The holidays are no different. Here is my upbeat holiday workout playlist as well as an easy listening version for early morning yoga or post-run stretching. The Very Decent Christmas tunes may also provide some laughs and entertainment while you sweat! Upbeat Holiday Playlist All I Want for Christmas - Is My Two Front Teeth (MJ Cole Remix) - The Nat "King" Cole Trio Merry Mixmas: Christmas Classics Remix Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer - Billy May I'd Like You for Christmas - Julie London Everybody's Waitin' For - The Man With the Bag (Thunderball Mix) - Kay

1412, 2020

New Year’s Eve Countdown Workout

As the year concludes and the over-scheduled holiday season winds-down, take thirty minutes for yourself to complete this New Year's Eve Countdown Workout. Together, we will countdown from 20 to 1 with twenty different exercises that will tone and strengthen the entire body. You'll complete the assigned number of repetitions of each exercise. Tone the arms, strengthen the core, and get stronger, leaner legs with this fifteen minute workout. For a well-balanced thirty minute strength training session, complete the routine two times. Bring on the New Year with a positive attitude and a great mindset! New Year's Eve Countdown Workout (PDF) Workout along with me on YouTube And, make our annual tradition one of your own. Make sure that you check out my New

1412, 2020

Christmas Core & Arm At Home Workout

With the chaos and lack of routine around the holidays, it is even more important to make time for ourselves and make our health and wellness a priority. We should all try to carve out a minimum of thirty minutes for ourselves each day this holiday season. Schedule an appointment with yourself to move your body in a way that brings a smile to your face. You will be able to tackle holiday gatherings, projects and tasks with a different mindset. Use this quick workout to tone the entire body as the holidays approach. Though the eleven exercises will work the whole body, there is a primary focus on the core. You will need a set of five to ten pound dumbbells to complete

1811, 2020

Who’s exhausted?!

I’m the one that’s mentally exhausted from this week! But she’s the one that got a nap in. And I got a ton of movement in. Six miles of wind and sunshine. We both feel better now! #almostfive #stuffedherinthestroller

1711, 2020

So many unknowns today.

So many unknowns today. 😳 But I quit focusing on what I couldn’t control today. And instead spent 47 mins focusing on something that I could. I took the road less traveled today for five miles of socially-distanced, emotionally- cleansing miles. 🌞 If you’re feeling like this, please know that you aren’t alone. Share some virtual miles with me.

2709, 2020

17 years old vs 40 years old

This 40 year old who ran 40 miles in a day was just cleaning out the basement and tried on this 17 year old’s letter jacket. You know, that girl who could not finish a mile in gym class. That girl who didn’t believe in pushing herself. Because she didn’t believe in herself. Running taught her to believe in herself. She then changed her ending.

2409, 2020

Tips for Running in the Rain

Struggling to lace up your running shoes and get those miles in during some less-than-ideal conditions? Is the forecast calling for some rain during your scheduled long run this weekend? Sometimes things really can look worse through your window. If you are dressed appropriately, staying safe and maintain a positive mindset, running in the rain doesn't have to be all that bad. And actually, it can kind of be refreshing. You may even feel a real sense of accomplishment. I find running in light rain to often be a "cleansing" experience and often finish with a smile on my face. Here are some of my top tips staying off that treadmill or skipping that run all together, and instead embracing the raindrops. What to

2009, 2020

My 40 miler kinda broke me.

My 40 miler kinda broke me. Okay, really broke me. I lost all of my joy for running. For the challenge of my long run. For the love of pushing myself. I’ve been struggling internally with my runs for a couple of months now. The selling and moving process has continued to challenge my mindset and willingness to let things go and adjust to the “uncontrollables”. When the wires get tangled, when the pieces get broken, or if I’m unable to adjust ... my long run becomes my “controllable”. But I just haven’t been willing to push myself like that lately. But today my husband told me that he was taking our little to church and that I was GOING for a long run.

1009, 2020

Stretches for Runners

It is really important to incorporate a full body stretching routine after your workouts and runs. Taking the five to ten minutes post-workout can really help decrease your risk for injury and soreness. You are more prone to injury if you stretch before your workouts. These stretches should be completed after you’ve hit the treadmill or the pavement. Instead, try incorporating a 5-10 minute dynamic warm-up before your runs to elevate your heart rate, start perspiration and get the whole body warmed-up. Several of these post-run stretches will also test your balance. There are both standing and floor options provided. Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds. Stretches for Runners Handout (printable) Seven min Post-Run Stretching Routine on YouTube (video)   Quad - standing

909, 2020

Back Stretches

Many of us suffer from lower and upper back pain. This may be from strenuous workouts, looking down at your phone or computer screen, driving in your vehicle or improper form while running. Use these exercises to stretch out the back and focus on your breathing. Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds. Back Stretches Handout (PDF)   Cobra pose - high Cobra pose - low Cat Cow Child's pose Chair stretch

809, 2020

Tips for Winter Running

Complete a 10-15 minute full body warm up indoors before you run. Raise the body temperature to a “light sweat” and elevate the heart rate before you head out. Dress like it is 10-15 degrees warmer than the actual temperature. You will warm up quickly, after ten minutes or so. Dress in layers, with your top layer being a zipping layer. Your exterior jacket (zipping layer) should be wind and/or waterproof. An insulating layer should go on top of your base layer – fleece or something to keep you warm. The base layer should be a synthetic, wicking material. This will keep you both warm and dry, without adding extra bulk. Leggings or running tights should also be made of a wicking material. Check

809, 2020

Introduction to Speedwork

Strides: This form of speedwork is typically incorporated into 20-40 minute training runs.  Very short bursts of swift running for 10-30 seconds.  Incorporate 6-10 strides during a 20-40 minute run.  After each stride, do NOT stop running.  Instead, continue your run at your conversation pace.  Most often done at the end of a workout.  Run to a landmark, mailbox, street sign, etc.  Promotes efficient running form.  Easier recovery than other forms of speedwork. Tempo: Done at a swift, continuous pace, generally for 20-30 mins.  Tempo runs are completed just below your maximum pace (between your 5K-10K pace).  Promotes efficient running form.  Teaches speed and patience during discomfort. Fartlek: This “speed play” includes fast bouts of running, followed by a bout of “rest” at conversation

409, 2020

Breathing Tips for Runners

Many of my new and existing clients comment that they struggle with their breathing during their runs on their own. I especially find this to be a common concern in my introductory classes, as the number one reason that individuals haven't enjoyed running on their own. Here are some of my top tips for making your runs more comfortable and enjoyable, while working on your form, posture and breathing pattern. Remember that these approaches aren't a one-size-fits-all suggestion and that you should experiment with different breathing patterns and exercises that will enhance your own workouts. Complete a 5-10 min warm-up before your run. This will warm-up your body and gradually increase your rate of your breathing. Consider a walk or a dynamic warm-up built

3107, 2020

Don’t let this hold you back.

By 9:00 this morning, I was driving to meet my husband to drop off my vehicle for maintenance. Although I was annoyed that I had to take my van into the shop, I was grateful that we both have the flexible schedules to be able to do things like this every single day. The flexibility. No permission needed to do anything. Setting appointments and schedules on our own terms. To exercise when I can and meet friends for lunch or a walk during day. And, by 9:00 in the morning, I had already ran twice for myself, coached an early morning running group, led an in home personal training session and instructed a virtual fitness class online from my studio. The rest of the

2807, 2020

Let’s talk …. vacation running

Let’s talk .... vacation running!!! Didn’t happen. My running shoes were packed. All the extra clothes and gear were packed. I had all the time available in my mornings. But I just wasn’t feeling it. I haven’t ran in almost a week. I’ve never taken a week off (or even a couple of days) in 15 years, unless physically forced to. Normally I’d be getting stir crazy. With every vacation I set the alarm and get out early and run. Disney world. California. Chicago. Arizona. Tennessee. Minocqua. Door County. I need to run off the crazy before a full day of schedule planned activities. And I love exploring new places on foot. It’s always something that I can control in my day. But I

1607, 2020

40 miles for 40 years

Back around the holidays, I was trying to think about what I wanted to do for my fortieth birthday in July. I didn't want to have a big party or fancy dinner or vacation. I knew that I wanted to be outdoors and moving. I decided that on my birthday, that I just wanted to have a relaxing family day at a local state park, with some treats and hiking sprinkled in. But I decided that the day before my birthday, that I would attempt to run forty miles.  And I decided that I wanted to raise funds for a non-profit organization. I decided on collecting donations for the local Girls on the Run chapter, which has always been so close to my heart.

1607, 2020

Seated Bells Workout – Shoulders/Arms/Core

Everyone can get a fantastic workout from their chair or bench with this 15 minute seated routine. Complete the routine 2-3 times for a 30-45 min workout session. If any of the exercises are too strenuous with the 2-3# bells, feel free to just use your body weight for an effective workout -- keep moving! Use the PDF printout to follow along. Seated Bells Workout

1507, 2020

Together, we outfitted an entire team for Girls on the Run!

THANK YOU to everyone who ran/walked/biked with me at my 40th birthday run on Saturday! I ran 40 miles. But ... together, YOU raised $1,555 for our local Girls on the Run chapter! Thank you for helping these local, strong girls become strong women!! Did you know that?: • $250 (will provide program supplies for a team for one season) • $320 (will provide a full scholarship to one girl to participate in Girls on the Run for an entire year) • $500 (will outfit an entire team of girls with running shoes) • $1,000 (will outfit an entire team of girls with running shoes and running clothes) • $2,400 (will support an entire team of girls for one season) More details to follow on

1806, 2020

Running Diva Mom featured in Runner’s World

In this Runner's World article, I shared some of my favorite exercises for runners - to work on tight hips, your core and balance in the lower legs. Follow along with the other resources and workouts available on my YouTube channel and learn from the other running coaches from around the country in this informational article. The Best YouTube Workouts for Runners, According to Running Coaches

1706, 2020

No More Arm Jiggle Workout

A lot of my clients have expressed an interest in working on that beautiful arm jiggle that we are all blessed with. I love working the shoulders, but those upper arms can sure be tricky. Tank top and bathing suit season is upon us now. So, let's get busy! I developed this "No More Arm Jiggle" workout to help clients work towards their arm toning goals in the studio and they (and you!) can easily replicate this workout at home with some light hand weights and their bodyweight. No More Arm Jiggle Workout printable (PDF)   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piHAlHnnuvs&t=186s  

1706, 2020

COVID-19 Quarantine 2020 Reflections Worksheet & Time Capsule

I love to do worksheets with my family. It's a great opportunity for all five of us to pause, gather around the kitchen table and reflect on life and life experiences. It's also fun to see how we each perceived a specific event differently. We do this regularly on New Year's Eve. I thought that as these strange times now transition back into our "new normal", that this would offer a fantastic opportunity for our family to reflect on the past several months of quarantine time together at home. A lot of interesting experiences and changes have happened. Old routines were broken. But a lot of positive things also happened during our down-time together at home. New habits, schedules and hobbies have been created.

306, 2020

Ultra-marathon – check.

I was so excited to run my first ultra-marathon this year. The half marathon is still my favorite distance. But the half marathon really pushes me, helps me commit more to my training and volume and my body feels better when I'm deep into marathon training. I wanted to push myself further with the ultra-marathon. I debating often over the past couple years, but the timing didn't feel right. I wasn't ready. But this year, the timing felt right. I was really particular about which race I committed to, because I didn't want to run on a technical trail. I found the Sugar Badger 50K (which also had fifty mile and half marathon distances available). It was going to run through my hubby's stomping

1704, 2020

Did you move today?

Feeling stagnant right now? Having trouble moving forward? I get it. Sometimes the first step in moving forward is the most difficult step of all. I hope that you can find the momentum right now to focus on what you CAN do. Instead of what you CAN'T do. Focus on thirty minutes of movement every day. Walking the dog. Running laps around your neighborhood. An at home workout in your basement gym. Walking the stairs in your house. Strength training in your living room. An old fitness video that is collecting dust. Cleaning the house. Use the enclosed printable to share today's success. Share it with others online. Or keep each day's record as a reminder of what you CAN do. I moved today


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