Couch to 5K Training Program


Whether you are just getting back into running or have never ran before, this ten week training program is perfect for taking anyone from walking to running in just ten weeks. Always warm up and

Couch to 5K Training Program2020-04-03T11:18:42+00:00

75 things to do with all of that free time you have


With so many of us being consumed with "being busy" and "on-the-go", you might be feeling a little bit lost during this time of uncertainty and unscheduled hours. I know I have a bit. Okay,

75 things to do with all of that free time you have2020-03-14T16:04:14+00:00

2019 Rails to Trails Marathon Race Report


This season we were looking for something a little different for our fall event. We had done a lot of exploring, hiking and saw a lot of new nature trails, state parks, bike trails, waterfalls

2019 Rails to Trails Marathon Race Report2019-10-17T16:02:58+00:00

7 tips for staying motivated after a fall race


The post-race blues really are a thing. Similar to any other major event in our lives - planning a wedding, childbirth, reaching a huge goal in life - runners can become saddened after they cross

7 tips for staying motivated after a fall race2023-03-15T17:20:37+00:00

So, why should you strength train?


Being so passionate about running, all I use to do was run, run ... and (you guessed it!) ... run! I loved what running did for me both mentally and physically. I loved how I

So, why should you strength train?2023-03-15T17:14:23+00:00

A morning adventure to Schumacher Farm Park


The marathon mommy minivan has driven past Schumacher Farm Park in Waunakee numerous times, during our adventures over to the west side of Madison or to attend races in Waunakee. I had recently noticed county

A morning adventure to Schumacher Farm Park2019-06-11T19:50:27+00:00

5 Runs + Coffee stops in the Madison area


I love combining my runs, hikes and workouts with another fun outing -- often a visit to a local coffee shop. Here are some of my favorite coffee shops to run from and refuel with

5 Runs + Coffee stops in the Madison area2019-05-20T19:47:33+00:00

6 Free Family Adventures within an Hour of Madison


If you are filled with the need to explore and get the kids out of the house, but your bank account isn't padded, these are some of our favorite FREE ways to explore in the

6 Free Family Adventures within an Hour of Madison2023-03-15T12:31:14+00:00

Fierce and Feminine.


I use to think that being strong and lifting weights meant being bulky and making a lot of noise in the gym. I was hesitant to give it a try. Like super intimidated. I was

Fierce and Feminine.2019-03-25T18:52:18+00:00

10 Gym Bag Essentials


One of the reasons I am able to get to the gym every morning is simply because I am prepared. Being motivated is only one half of the equation. Being prepared is the other part

10 Gym Bag Essentials2023-03-15T17:01:40+00:00


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