Cleaning up my mental health


Okay, I'm coming clean. If you ask any of my kids, they will tell you that I'm thrifty. Actually, they will probably tell you that I'm cheap. But I would like to think that they

Cleaning up my mental health2021-02-11T17:24:07+00:00

Holiday Workout Playlists


I love updating my playlists frequently and providing new tunes for my personal runs and my clients' strength and cardio sessions in the Running Diva Mom Studio. The holidays are no different. Here is my

Holiday Workout Playlists2020-12-16T20:52:13+00:00

Who’s exhausted?!


I’m the one that’s mentally exhausted from this week! But she’s the one that got a nap in. And I got a ton of movement in. Six miles of wind and sunshine. We both feel

Who’s exhausted?!2020-11-19T12:45:10+00:00

So many unknowns today.


So many unknowns today. 😳 But I quit focusing on what I couldn’t control today. And instead spent 47 mins focusing on something that I could. I took the road less traveled today for five

So many unknowns today.2020-11-19T12:38:08+00:00

My 40 miler kinda broke me.


My 40 miler kinda broke me. Okay, really broke me. I lost all of my joy for running. For the challenge of my long run. For the love of pushing myself. I’ve been struggling internally

My 40 miler kinda broke me.2020-10-01T12:00:47+00:00

Don’t let this hold you back.


By 9:00 this morning, I was driving to meet my husband to drop off my vehicle for maintenance. Although I was annoyed that I had to take my van into the shop, I was grateful

Don’t let this hold you back.2020-07-31T16:19:53+00:00

Did you move today?


Feeling stagnant right now? Having trouble moving forward? I get it. Sometimes the first step in moving forward is the most difficult step of all. I hope that you can find the momentum right now

Did you move today?2020-04-17T19:06:08+00:00

Indoor Scavenger Hunt


If your family is looking for a fun indoor activity, give this indoor scavenger hunt a try. Each family member can print off their own card or adults can complete the hunt with younger members

Indoor Scavenger Hunt2020-03-19T19:23:26+00:00


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