About Jamie

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So far Jamie has created 141 blog entries.

Spring Cleaning with Enzyme Cleaners


We inherited this adorable over-stuffed chair from a friend. It was a perfect addition to our new playroom. Since the Big Brooke is now a teenager, this chair had a little cleaning up before it

Spring Cleaning with Enzyme Cleaners2021-03-11T13:49:43+00:00

How I Wake-up at 3:30 am every day!


After several years of being a morning person, I have become even more of a morning person in the past couple of years. I use to open the office at 6:30 am and loved starting

How I Wake-up at 3:30 am every day!2023-10-17T16:31:07+00:00

2 year self-employment update.


WOW, this month marks two years since I finally had the courage to venture out into the world of self-employment on a full time basis. Nothing like quitting your cushy-state job in the middle of

2 year self-employment update.2021-02-17T20:20:05+00:00

hold on …. I’m recharging ….


Today I made another great choice for my mental health. I embrace movement ... every. Single. Day. Yup, everyday. Movement motivates me. It’s just who I am. And when I don’t move, I am a

hold on …. I’m recharging ….2021-02-15T15:43:15+00:00

Cleaning up my mental health


Okay, I'm coming clean. If you ask any of my kids, they will tell you that I'm thrifty. Actually, they will probably tell you that I'm cheap. But I would like to think that they

Cleaning up my mental health2021-02-11T17:24:07+00:00

Valentine’s Day Bean Bag Toss Workout


Grab a set of 5 pound dumbbells and a resistance band with handles and get ready for a great full body workout this month. Print out this workout and add some variety, fun and unpredictability

Valentine’s Day Bean Bag Toss Workout2021-02-09T17:29:47+00:00

17 songs with “run” lyrics for running


I am super motivated by music, a steady rhythm ... and words. I love being moved by the right song and the right lyrics. I enjoy running to songs that feature running in the lyrics,

17 songs with “run” lyrics for running2021-02-05T13:03:19+00:00

5 at home exercises that require absolutely no equipment


If you don't currently have access to any equipment or are a frequent traveler, it can be difficult to be creative with versatile exercises that will challenge you and make you stronger -- without any

5 at home exercises that require absolutely no equipment2021-02-05T13:04:24+00:00

Treadmill + Strength Workouts


Do you love a good cardio session, but need to also embrace your strength training? Of course you do! Grab a set of light dumbbells and join me for these quick workouts that combine the

Treadmill + Strength Workouts2021-02-05T13:05:43+00:00

Winter Running in Sun Prairie


Hopefully you have had the opportunity to share some of my favorite Madison-area running routes with me. Unfortunately, they aren’t all clear once the snow and ice arrive. If you are heading out for your

Winter Running in Sun Prairie2021-01-20T21:02:14+00:00
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