Have you ever stopped … ((pause)) … to think about what your PERFECT DAY would look like?

I asked a client this recently. Then she, in turn, asked me the same. Our answers were different, but our ideal days contained a lot of the same elements – family, alone time and passion.

It almost seems like a dream to think about our ideal twenty-four hours. The impossible. But, it doesn’t have to be. Many of the components of my day are entirely attainable within the next … twenty-four hours. What are things that make you want to wake up in the morning? Who are the people that you feel giddy around? What tasks make you feel fulfilled?

My day consisted of:

  • Rising before 5:00 am and watching a couple clients work hard towards their fitness goals
  • Going for a solo long run on a new, scenic trail
  • Coming home and having a cup of coffee with my husband in our front room or on our front porch. No kids, no distractions, just us.
  • Going on an active, outdoor adventure (trying a new state park or hiking trail) and a picnic with my family
  • During nap time, stopping at a locally-owned coffee shop all by myself to write and blog for the afternoon
  • Ordering my favorite pizza for delivery and eating in the living room with my family on paper plates
  • Falling asleep with my husband and our dog cuddling up next to me, while I’m reading a good book

I encourage you to write it in your calendar. A date with yourself. A date with your dreams, your people, your tribe, and your passions. The things and people that give you “all the feels”. Make it happen. Not during the next season, when schedules align or activities are winding down. Now.