As I was packing-up boxes of dumbbells, displayable quotes and hand-written cards from clients today -- I came across this ...

... This quote was printed and displayed at my last desk job. I glanced over at it daily, while I sat at my desk for endless hours. Liking my job, by wanting more.

Three years ago I finally submitted my resignation. And, I signed a lease for my current studio space. After years of working this passion of a side-hustle, I finally took the leap. And this quote has been displayed among thank you cards and newspaper and magazine features for the past three years.

I couldn't have known all of the people that I would meet over the past three years. All of the unique and fascinating clients who would teach me things about my industry and about myself (being adaptable and willing to learn). All of the lessons that I would learn and the errors that I would make along the way. I didn't know that a pandemic would hit one year into pursuing my dream. That I would be teaching rooms full of individuals virtually. That I would be developing a YouTube channel to expand my reach across the country. That I would be multi-tasking with my entire family working and virtual schooling at home for a year. That I would be running out of space for those that I taught in person. I didn't know what I didn't know. And that was probably a good thing. Or I may not have done it.

Today I am closing the door at 1280 West Main Street for the last time.  I feel more eager -- and anxious -- than ever as I snag the keys to 335 Cannery Square. The future is unknown again. But I do know that with some trust, support, and lots of passion about my big dreams -- that it will be brighter than ever in downtown Sun Prairie. I just have to be brave and bold and trust the process.

Thank you again for continuing to support my dream while I help support yours.