There are treats around every corner during this time of year and some of your favorites are only around for a limited time. It can very easy for those yummy tastes and bites to add up. If you are really enjoying your grandma's cut-out cookies or like reaching for that glass of egg nog throughout the season, here are some of my top tips for keeping your weight in check during this holiday season.

  1. Create parameters for yourself. Before the holiday season begins, take out your phone or your favorite notepad and write down some parameters for yourself. (no ice cream for thirty eays, only eat cookies at holiday parties, only buy one gallon of egg nog, prep your meals every Sunday, weigh yourself weekly or daily). This should give you some solid structure for the season ahead.
  2. Meal plan. By creating a meal plan around those holiday gatherings, you are setting the other days of your week up for success. One high calorie day or meal doesn't have to make it a high calorie week. Also make sure that you are building in leftovers to your meal plan or pairing your leftovers with healthy sides. Make sure that you have a plan for easy breakfasts and lunches, too.
  3. Leave it elsewhere. If you like your seasonal treats, by all means - enjoy them! But, if you don't bring them into the house, you won't be finishing that whole pie. Leave the leftovers at work "treat table" or at your friend's buffet counter. Purchase one of your favorites for a gathering or potluck, versus buying extras to enjoy at home with your family.
  4. Create a no snacking rule. When listing your parameters for the month, consider a no snacking rule in the evening. By eliminating snacking from 6-10pm, you can omit an easy 300-500 calories from your daily in take -- that's 2,100 - 3,500 calories each week!
  5. Fasting. If you're comfortable doing so, consider an overnight or morning fast. If your schedule and movement allow for it, fasting for 12-18 hours after your evening meal can help reduce bloat and improve control of your blood pressure.