Replacing Running Shoes - A Guide to Help Figure Out What's Best
Ever wonder how often you should be replacing running shoes? Running shoes these days are made of high-quality products that are lightweight, durable, breathable, and built to support different types of foot strikes and profiles. No two feet are really the same and just walking into your local shoe store to buy shoes off the shelf or from someone who is not experienced in foot sizing or watching your gait could be a recipe for injury and disaster.
My suggestion when replacing running shoe is to always go to your nearest running shoe store and get properly fitted. These professionals are typically runners themselves and know what questions to ask and understand the running environment, plus, they may know what to ask you about what type of runner you are and what problems or issues you are having. Most running shoe stores will let you try the shoes outside or on a treadmill they have in the store so you can judge whether they are a good fit or not.
To Replace or Not to Replace - A Guide to Replacing Running Shoes
And most of my clients always ask - when should I be replacing running shoes? Below is a general guide but if you look at the tread wear and tear and see spots where the sole is coming through, that is usually a good sign it is time to replace them.
This is a general guide to figure out when it’s time for a new pair – based on your mileage. Always consult a professional at your local running store or your personal running & fitness coach and listen to your body to prevent injury. The general rule is to replace your running shoes every 300-600 miles. Walking and running mileage both count towards wear. As a personal running & fitness coach, I can show you additional ways to get the most out of your workout gear and offer tips for what might be best!