You guys! I have been keeping a little secret for the last couple of months.  I can finally EXPLODE from excitement!

Running Diva Mom will be moving back to downtown Sun Prairie after the first of the year! In January, I look forward to taking my small boutique fitness studio to the next level. I will be enhancing my client's experience and expanding my program offerings -- with four times the space. You'll have the same, bright, comfortable space -- just with more room to get your sweat on! There will also be a cardio room with select equipment for my personal training clients to use during our sessions together. I have also found extreme comfort and passion through group fitness instruction during the pandemic and will be building on my indoor class offerings.

If you're craving coffee after your workout - you can hop right next door to Beans n Cream Coffeehouse. Or, you can grab a cup in my studio, too, because I'll have my own kitchen, personal office and restroom/changing area for you to use.

I am so excited, nervous and overwhelmed with emotions about this next step for my little business. But I have appreciated your support since I launched this journey a decade ago. With that and my overwhelming support at home -- this expansion is going to thrive. Thank you for supporting my dream while I support yours